Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bruins Acquire Rask, Fire Assistant GM

It was a turbulent day today as the Bruins completed a deal. But it turned out that the Bruins Assistant GM had made a mistake which had to be fixed before the deal could officially be processed. Such a mistake will not be tolerated and the Assistant GM was fired immediately after things had been cleared up. The mistake is said to have been made when the Assistant GM missed to include the correct terms under which the deal would be made.
Eventually everything was settled and the Bruins traded away goaltender Mathieu Garon along with the Bruins' 2nd round pick for goaltender Tuukka Rask. The deal means the Bruins have acquired a very talanted young goaltender that has the potential to be very special. The club has lacked a stellar goaltender and the organization felt it was time to change that. Rask has already shown that he can be the go-to-guy, but is most likely a couple of seasons away before he'll be the star goalkeeper he should be.

The club also introduced Doug Houda as the new Assistant GM after it was time for a promotion for the long time Bruin. In Doug Houda we have a loyal, well liked and competent guy who always will be an important part of the Bruins organization.

There are no known family ties between the GM and his new Assistant GM, but this move will surely be talked about around the league.

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