Friday, January 7, 2011

Bruins Update on Trades and Fights

Bruins management has been quite busy the last couple of days as there's been trade talks with a couple of GM's. Nothing has materialized into a trade yet, but interest is there. Trade talks have so far mainly been with other teams that are in a similar position as the Bruins. Playoff teams and contenders seem to be happy with what they see from their teams at the moment. But that should change as we get closer to the trade deadline when teams look to bolster their rosters.

Mystery player...

There's speculation that the players involved in the different trade talks involve Jakub Voracek, Rostislav Olesz, Jaroslav Spacek, Mike Commodore and Joe Corvo. The Bruins have also been offered a player of interest for the B's 1st round pick. Though tempting, management felt that it wouldn't be wise to part with a potential top 5 pick at the moment.

On a different note the club hasn't had much success in the win column lately, but George Parros and Shawn Thornton have at least kept the fans happy in one departement - fighting. As expected, Parros has led the way with several entertaining bouts.

In a recent game he had three fights vs Los Angeles when he fought Mike Brown, Maxim Lapierre and former teammate Owen Nolan. He's currently ranked 7th in the fight rankings, but that was before his three-fight-game. Probably inspired by the publication of the fighter rankings earlier in the week, Parros looks to climb towards the top of the list in time for the release of the next fighter ranking. Hey, if you can't win the Cup, at least entertain your fans...

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